The FitforKids’ Program is a community based multi-component lifestyle intervention aimed at increasing the overall health of the family as well as reducing BMI and body fat with the children.
The FitforKids program consists of five elements: Nutritional advice, Physical training for both children and parents, Parent Coaching, a Motivational program and Social Events. FitforKids is completely free for the families.
We offer nutritional advice sessions to all FitforKids’ families. The Nutrional Advice Sessions are performed at the families homes by two FitforKids Nutritional Advice Experts. All FitforKids Nutritional Advice follow the guidelines of the Danish Health Authority, however our ability to communicate these in an easily relatable and understandable way to our target group is a core competence of the FitforKids Nutritional Advice Experts.
FitforKids offer two training sessions per week: One hour training for children only on a weekday afternoon after school; and 1½ hours training session including weighing Saturday morning, where at least one parent is required to participate and siblings are welcome. Usually all trainings take place in the local school gym-hall or in a local fitness center. The FitforKids training program is a mix of crossfit, aerobics and classical school yard games.
It is the parents that have the primary responsibility for giving their children a healthy life-style. But it is not an easy task to secure a healthy life-style for a child. And it can give a lot of discussions and even arguments when parents try to reduce sugar intake or promote physical exercise. And as parent with overweight issues it can be difficult to feel like a credible role model.
The FitforKids Program is designed to support and help parents with implementing a healthy lifestyle for their children. We aid parents, who think that it is hard to motivate their children to exercise and to cut down on the serving sizes or on candy. Thru seminars, books, sms-services and a hotline we give advice on how to handle conflict and complaining. We also do individual coaching after agreement.
FitforKids Instructors are trained in creating fun and effective exercise classes and to establish a safe space for the children to learn about the abilities of their bodies and experience the joy of exercising. Thru workshops, emails, weekly text messages and books and hand-outs we work dedicated to give the children a positive vision of themselves, their life and possibilities.
As part of the FitforKids program we arrange excursions, visits to parks or jogging, or we may invite our FitforKids families to a seminar or a cozy afternoon visit to a FitforKids team in another city.